Christian TI's Get Ready To Soar
So many times people are made to believe they have bad luck or that a wonderful life is just not meant to be their portion in life. It's so easy to give up on dreams and take the low end of the totem pole because it seems like everywhere you go, you just don't fit in. The American Dream has become a nightmare, and you're looking for that red button to eject out of that life. Have no fear, restoration is here. Your spiritual bootcamp is not to destroy you. This is your journey to becoming stronger, more discerning, powerful, beautiful inside and ready for a battle that has already been won. You will win! You have won! The fight is fixed. Jesus already conquered your enemies for you. Stay focused.
This book is not for the faint of heart. Though there are many references to scriptures of the Bible, I can promise you that the following people will feel relieved after reading this.
If you are a Targeted Individual (TI)
If you have been Black Balled or Black Listed
If you've been experiencing rejection all your life for unprecedented reasons
If you have been misunderstood your whole life
If you feel you don't fit in to your own family
If you've settled for the wrong people because you thought there were no right people for you.
If no one understood what you are/were going through
If you've taken the proper steps to experience career, relational, or spiritual success, but still failed
If you tend to condemn yourself
If you just want to end it all because the pain of being a TI is too great
If you just want to know if anyone else in the world is going through it
If you want to know how to get out alive, well, and happy again
My friends, if you can say yes to any of these things, you've got the right book. You will see my journey from Fear to Fortitude.