This story begins in 1628 in Bamberg, Franconia, North Bavaria with a letter from Johannes Junius, Mayor (Burgomaster) of Bamberg to his fourteen-year-old daughter Veronica. He has been tortured and is about to be burned as a witch. This letter appears on the internet under Witchcraze Bamberg 1628. Veronica appeals to Prince Bishop von Dornheim, the religious and civil ruler of the area. She is abused and scheduled to die herself. She escapes and joins a small group that itself is fleeing from religious persecution. Their journey takes three years and winds up in Amsterdam, Holland. Here Veronica, despite the prejudice because she is a woman, blossoms as both a merchant and trader. She joines a trading company, marries the founder's son and looses both. Veronica then turns her efforts to trading with the newly settled colonies. Here she finds happiness, success and love.