The Hunt for Big Stripers


Every surfcaster, from seasoned veteran to novice, dreams about catching a big striped bass. Here is a book that will help you do just that. Veteran surfcaster Zeno Hromin shares his strategies and techniques when targeting big stripers. In addition to his own thoughts, he has assembled a cast consisting of some of today's finest Northeast surfcasters. These very successful big fish hunters share their secrets for catching that striper of your dreams. From advice on which moon or tide period is most productive when targeting big fish, to a discussion on gear choices which will help you stay out of harm's way on the rocks, this book covers it all. Each contributing expert shares his favorite strategy on targeting big stripers in detail rarely found in a single publication. From their choice of tides, locations, gear and rigs, to specific time of the season, weather and baitfish patterns, these authors share their techniques to help you catch a big fish. Of course, no book would be complete without a thorough examination of the angler's ethics in our modern world and this book is no exception. The Hunt for Big Stripers is destined to become a classic reference book for all surfcasters who are looking to improve their success when targeting bigger fish. Zeno Hromin is a frequent contributor to northeast fishing publications, in print and on the Internet. He is an author of "The Art of Surfcasting with Lures" which has been called "the new surfcasting bible". -from the Introduction by legendary NY surfcaster Al Bentsen Zeno Hromin's new book takes a quantum leap forward and puts the reader in touch with expert surf fishermen who share with the reader methods of fishing that he may know little or nothing about. This is Zeno's second book and it's another home run. Never has an angler put so much between the covers of two books. I am certain that this book will help you put that "bass of your dreams" on the sand

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