Break 'Em Up
Recovering Our Freedom from Big Ag, Big Tech, and Big Money
Zephyr Teachout
- A
- passionate
- attack
- on
- the
- monopolies
- that
- are
- throttling
- American
- democracy.“[We
- need]
- a
- grassroots,
- bottom-up
- movement
- that
- understands
- the
- challenge
- in
- front
- of
- us,
- and
- then
- organizes
- against
- monopoly
- power
- in
- communities
- across
- this
- country.
- This
- book
- is
- a
- blueprint
- for
- that
- organizing.
- In
- these
- pages,
- you
- will
- learn
- how
- monopolies
- and
- oligopolies
- have
- taken
- over
- almost
- every
- aspect
- of
- American
- life,
- and
- you
- will
- also
- learn
- about
- what
- can
- be
- done
- to
- stop
- that
- trend
- before
- it
- is
- too
- late.”—from
- the
- foreword
- by
- Bernie
- SandersEvery
- facet
- of
- American
- life
- is
- being
- overtaken
- by
- big
- platform
- monopolists
- like
- Facebook,
- Google,
- and
- Bayer
- (which
- has
- merged
- with
- the
- former
- agricultural
- giant
- Monsanto),
- resulting
- in
- a
- greater
- concentration
- of
- wealth
- and
- power
- than
- we've
- seen
- since
- the
- Gilded
- Age.
- They
- are
- evolving
- into
- political
- entities
- that
- often
- have
- more
- influence
- than
- the
- actual
- government,
- bending
- state
- and
- federal
- legislatures
- to
- their
- will
- and
- even
- creating
- arbitration
- courts
- that
- circumvent
- the
- US
- justice
- system.
- How
- can
- we
- recover
- our
- freedom
- from
- these
- giants?
- Anti-corruption
- scholar
- and
- activist
- Zephyr
- Teachout
- has
- the
- answer:
- Break
- 'Em
- Up.This
- book
- is
- a
- clarion
- call
- for
- liberals
- and
- leftists
- looking
- to
- find
- a
- common
- cause.
- Teachout
- makes
- a
- compelling
- case
- that
- monopolies
- are
- the
- root
- cause
- of
- many
- of
- the
- issues
- that
- today's
- progressives
- care
- about;
- they
- drive
- economic
- inequality,
- harm
- the
- planet,
- limit
- the
- political
- power
- of
- average
- citizens,
- and
- historically-disenfranchised
- groups
- bear
- the
- brunt
- of
- their
- shameful
- and
- irresponsible
- business
- practices.
- In
- order
- to
- build
- a
- better
- future,
- we
- must
- eradicate
- monopolies
- from
- the
- private
- sector
- and
- create
- new
- safeguards
- that
- prevent
- new
- ones
- from
- seizing
- power.Through
- her
- expert
- analysis
- of
- monopolies
- in
- several
- sectors
- and
- their
- impact
- on
- courts,
- journalism,
- inequality,
- and
- politics,
- Teachout
- offers
- a
- concrete
- path
- toward
- thwarting
- these
- enemies
- of
- working
- Americans
- and
- reclaiming
- our
- democracy
- before
- it’s
- too
- late.“A
- shocking
- guide
- book
- to
- these
- corporate
- Dark
- Ages,
- these
- frightening
- times
- when
- private
- power
- seems
- to
- grow
- ever
- more
- centralized
- and
- the
- ordinary
- world
- we
- live
- in
- feels
- like
- it
- is
- dissolving.
- Thankfully,
- it
- is
- also
- a
- road
- map
- to
- the
- exit.
- Read
- it
- and
- let’s
- get
- ourselves
- out
- of
- this
- awful
- place.”—Thomas
- Frank,
- author
- of
- Listen,
- Liberal**“A
- passionate
- and
- persuasive
- case
- for
- a
- revitalized
- antitrust
- movement
- to
- strengthen
- democracy
- and
- improve
- the
- lives
- of
- middle-
- and
- working-class
- Americans….
- Teachout
- delivers
- a
- forceful,
- clearly
- articulated
- vision
- of
- “moral
- markets”
- built
- on
- freedom,
- choice,
- and
- human
- dignity.
- Progressives
- will
- heed
- this
- clarion
- call
- for
- reform.”—**Publishers
- Weekly
- (starred review)
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