Paper & Feathers
Euphony of Seasons, #1
Reeks: Euphony of Seasons
Zephyr Thomas
- The
- country
- of
- Alcabast
- is
- not
- ravaged
- by
- war,
- all
- of
- its
- neighbors
- get
- along
- rather
- well.
- Magic
- is
- neither
- deep
- nor
- mysterious,
- in
- fact
- it's
- quite
- useful
- for
- daily
- life.
- Fierce
- creatures
- do
- roam
- the
- forests,
- but
- a
- sharp
- blade
- and
- a
- well-aimed
- musket
- will
- keep
- them
- at
- bay.
- Steam-powered
- conveyances
- transport
- people
- and
- goods,
- as
- long
- as
- they've
- been
- maintained
- properly.
- People
- live
- in
- harmony
- with
- the
- Seasons
- and
- with
- each
- other.
- Well,
- mostly...Ahlden
- Creiori
- is
- employed
- by
- the
- Stellaire
- Library
- to
- uphold
- the
- ideals
- of
- truth
- and
- knowledge,
- wisdom
- and
- beauty.
- He
- enjoys
- a
- fulfilling
- career,
- a
- high
- degree
- of
- prestige,
- and
- looks
- forward
- to
- marrying
- the
- lady
- he's
- courted
- for
- many
- Seasons
- now.
- His
- comfortable
- routine
- is
- disrupted
- when
- he's
- sent
- away
- from
- the
- city
- to
- a
- bucolic
- little
- town,
- to
- authenticate
- a
- mysterious
- book
- that
- no
- one
- will
- tell
- him
- anything
- about.
- The
- journey
- there
- takes
- him
- to
- the
- brink
- of
- an
- entirely
- new
- outlook
- on
- life,
- and
- a
- chance
- encounter
- on
- the
- way
- home
- pushes
- him
- off
- the
- edge
- entirely.
- He
- gains
- a
- new
- perspective,
- but
- what
- must
- he
- lose
- to
- maintain
- the
- balance?Filled
- with
- unique
- and
- compelling
- characters,
- with
- a
- non-conventional
- plot
- that
- will
- keep
- you
- guessing
- until
- the
- very
- end.
- Enter
- a
- rich,
- vibrant
- world
- where
- technology
- and
- nature
- are
- integrated,
- benevolent
- spirits
- walk
- among
- mortals,
- and
- all
- life
- is
- important.
- Everyday,
- slice-of-life
- fantasy
- in
- the
- first
- book
- of
- the
- Euphony
- of
- Seasons series.
pro-mbooks3 : libris