Echoes of Atlantis
Zephyr Wrenwood
- In
- the
- hallowed
- halls
- of
- the
- Timekeeper
- Academy,
- young
- novices
- learn
- to
- harness
- the
- magic
- of
- time.
- But
- when
- a
- mysterious
- rift
- starts
- fracturing
- the
- very
- fabric
- of
- their
- world,
- four
- unlikely
- heroes—Lia,
- the
- historian
- with
- a
- secret;
- Arion,
- the
- silent
- Guardian
- with
- unparalleled
- power;
- Jamie,
- the
- rogue
- with
- a
- tune
- for
- every
- occasion;
- and
- Elara,
- a
- prodigious
- mage
- with
- ties
- to
- the
- shadow
- realm—must
- unite.Journey
- with
- them
- across
- realms
- of
- light
- and
- darkness,
- where
- ancient
- rivalries
- rekindle,
- and
- the
- line
- between
- friend
- and
- foe
- blurs.
- As
- they
- race
- against
- time,
- confronting
- the
- sinister
- Shadowmancers
- and
- uncovering
- age-old
- secrets,
- they'll
- discover
- the
- true
- nature
- of
- their
- power
- and
- the
- delicate
- balance
- that
- maintains
- their
- world.In
- a
- dance
- of
- fate
- and
- freewill,
- where
- every
- decision
- has
- its
- consequence,
- the
- Guardians
- will
- learn
- that
- the
- greatest
- battles
- are
- those
- fought
- within.
- Dive
- into
- a
- tale
- of
- magic,
- mystery,
- and
- the
- enduring
- spirit
- of
- unity.
- When
- the
- shadows
- deepen,
- will
- the
- light
- of
- the
- Guardians
- be
- enough
- to
- save
- their world?
pro-mbooks3 : libris