11885 resultaten gevonden

Kura Araxes culture areas and the late 4th and early 3rd millennia BC pottery from Veli Sevin’s surveys in Malatya and Elaziğ, Turkey

Mitchell S. Rothman

Urbanisation in the Central Sahara in Garamantian times: a look from the south

Lucia Mori

The question of proto-urban sites in Later Prehistoric Europe

Anthony Harding

Origini - XXXIX

Giorgia Agresti ; Silvia Alaura ; Ebru Albayrak ; Mario Amore ; Magda Bordigoni ; Filippo Bozzo ; Giorgio Brocato ; Isabella Caneva ; Patrizia Costa ; Gian Maria Di Nocera ; Emilia Gallo ; Philip Jones ; Coskun Köysu ; Cristina Lemorini ; Federico Manuell

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